Part 104

Music: play track 1
...... Anyway, I get her to come to the rear of the school building so forcefully that it can't be helped if she gets mad at me.
Fifth period has already started.
"Geez, pulling me to a place like this... what is it, Tohno-kun?"
...... Senpai is more amazed than angry.
"I'm sorry, Senpai. But, I wanted to hear more about what you were saying before."
"What I was saying before... you mean the serial killer?"
"Yes, that. About the person who doesn't feel a crime is a crime. Are you saying they kill people unconsciously?"
...... For example.
Like if you intend to sleep, but instead go outside to commit murder.
"Hey, that hurts, Tohno-kun. I'll answer you, so please let go of me."
"Oh---I'm sorry."
I let her go.
...... It seems I was really worked up.

"Yes, it's just a joke. Since you seemed so serious, Tohno-kun, I thought I'd be a little playful for a moment."
"...... Senpai, give me a break. I'm really serious here."
"Yeah, it looks like it. But, why? The serial killer is none of your concern, is he, Tohno-kun?"
"Yes? What is it?"
...... That's.
"If---if I told you I was the killer, what would you do?"
I finally say it.
Senpai's face lights up as if I said the funniest joke, and she bursts into laughter.
"Senpai, this is no joke, I'm---"
Music: play track 8
"Yes, I know you're serious. But that's why it's funny. Because the murderer doesn't usually come and ask for help because they're the murderer."
"Then I will ask. Why do you think so, Tohno-kun?"
"It's because---recently, I've been... strange. I know why. I was probably bitten by a vampire."
...... I say it frankly, as if it was a euphemism.
"---Please, go on."
"...... Since then, it's been strange. Suddenly I don't feel like myself, and I have dreams about killing people.
Last night, although I only intended to sleep, it seems that I went out. And I had a dream in which I killed someone, and sucked blood."
Senpai says nothing, just watching me.
But more importantly, it's just a dream. I don't know what you're worried about, but Tohno-kun is Tohno-kun."
...... I'm glad to hear that, but...
There's no reason for me to believe in any of Senpai's words.
She sighs.
"You must be feeling really uneasy, Tohno-kun."
Saying so,
Senpai pats my head.

"---It's okay. You have nothing to worry about, Tohno-kun. I myself guarantee it, so it's definitely okay."
...... Automatically, I nod in complete agreement.
Even if I know it's only while she's doing so, I feel at ease.
Like wrapping up my uneasiness, Senpai's hands are gentle.
Music: stop

We reach the long hill.
Once we go up it, our mansion will be right there.
"Nii-san. I would like to ask you one thing before we get home."
Akiha's feet stop and she looks straight at me.
The kind of silence that was there before is gone.
Akiha looks at me seriously.
"Of course. We are brother and sister. I can tell when you are depressed, Nii-san.
So, why didn't you just come and talk to me? Do you trust that woman more than you trust me?"
"Y---you were watching me talk to Senpai...!?"
"Yes. I could hardly believe my eyes and ears. You, being so honest in front of that person!"

With a "hmph", Akiha turns away.
"...... It's not like that. I didn't talk to you or Kohaku-san, because---"
I didn't want to tell them about my body and have them hate me.

"Because of what? If there's something you want to say, please, say it."
"Are you stupid? I wouldn't worry this much if I could say it! I asked Senpai since you guys are important to me. It's not because I don't trust you or anything."
"I don't want to hear such excuses!"
"Fine, I'll come out and say it.
That person doesn't suit you. So please, do not get any closer to her. It is for your sake."
It's so sudden I'm at a loss for words.

"---I see. Well, you are the head of the Tohno household. You're saying that family and lineage is important like that old man, right?"
"...... Nii-san, that's..."
"It's fine. I'm not really complaining. I'm the one who left you alone in that house. I should have been the one raised that way originally. So, I'm not speaking badly of you."
"But, I can't let what you said right now go. Even though you don't know anything about Senpai, don't just say she's unsuitable."

Akiha runs up the hill.
"---What does that mean?"
All I can do is gaze up after her, aghast.

I don't think it matters who was wrong.
I'm sure that in time Akiha will calm down and explain why she doesn't like Ciel-senpai.
"...... I could hang around the garden for a bit."
If I go into the mansion, I might face Akiha, so I'll take a walk in the garden for a while.

Music: stop
If you walked by normally, you probably would never notice it.
If Kohaku-san didn't walk there, hidden enough by the surrounding trees as it is, I would never have noticed even if I lived here all my life.
"...... There's a clearing there? ...... If so, we probably did play there as kids."
To say the least, I don't remember ever playing with Akiha in the clearing.
----I feel like I've never, been there, before.
After thinking for a bit, I decide to go into the clearing.
And the strong, summer sunshine that feels like it could dissolve------

Summer, sunshine---?
The wound on my chest starts to hurt.
Like / Stabbing.
This pain/ that feels like/ a kitchen knife stabbing my chest.
Chiiirp. Chirp Chirp.
Chiiirp. Chirp Chirp.
Chiiirp. Chirp Chirp-----
----From somewhere, I can hear the voice of cicadas.
But, it's autumn now.
----The summer sunshine that bathes everything in white.

The columns of summer clouds in the far off sky.
I can practically see the voices.
At my feet, there are the discarded shells of cicadas.
Discarded shell. Someone's--discarded shell.
The third child's discarded shell.
The third child I no longer remember.

I was just, in a trance.
Akiha would have been killed.
That was really all I knew.
I just, ran.
That was all I understood.
As for the danger to myself,
I never even thought about it.
I wanted to protect Akiha,
and I just took her place.
In the distance.
The voices of the cicadas.
---After that.
My body that died from having its chest pierced.
And a figure that looks down at my dead body in shock.
A third child's figure-----

It hurts.
I'm scared.
----I feel dizzy.
This is,
the impulse of death.
Consciousness fades.
My wound aches.
I hear a thump as my body falls to the ground.
Music: play track 1
...... I can hear voices talking.
"Akiha-sama, are you not going to call for a doctor?"
"Don't be stupid, Hisui. There's no way I could do that, since Nii-san's wound isn't normal...!"
...... Akiha and Hisui are talking.
Thisis SHIKI's room.
It looks like I am sleeping on the bed.
I planned to say "Yo!" and get out of bed, but I can't move at all.
My chest doesn't hurt anymore, but my body is as heavy as lead.
All I can move are my eyes and mouth.

Completely different from her usual manner, Akiha gives full vent to her anger.
In comparison, Hisui is accepting the scolding silently, looking down.
...... I'm not sure how this all came about.
But I can at least tell Hisui is being yelled at because of me.
"Answer me, Hisui. Why did Nii-san go there?"
Hisui does not answer Akiha's question.
The air between them is becoming heavy.
Biting her lip, Akiha takes a step closer to Hisui.
...... Even I can tell that she's about to raise a hand against her.
I'm sure Hisui knows too, but she's just looking down, accepting it.
Music: stop

I strain hard and somehow manage to lift the upper half of my body off the bed.
But that's all I can manage, and I don't think I can even move an inch more.
But since Hisui is depressed, I have to force myself to act as fine as possible.
Music: play track 8
"...... Yes. Nii-san, you have been out all evening."
Akiha speaks reluctantly.
The strength flees from my body.
"...... Geez. I haven't fainted for that long since elementary school. Yeah, I used to faint all the time back then. I wasn't used to the Arimas and my mind was always under stress."
It seems like I'm still dreaming, maybe an after-effect of the anemia attack.
"...... I remember. The Arimas were all good people; they treated me like their own child."
---Keiko-san was strict but thoughtful and always treated me like I was her own son.
"...... So, I thought I had to become their real child, too."
"--Really. Well, I'm tired, but..."
"Right? So, please, just rest today. Since your body's weaker than most people's, if you don't take a day to rest from time to time, you'll collapse like you did today."
Akiha looks at me seriously.

...... Certainly, it's just as she says.
Forgetting about everything.
Unless I rest without thinking about vampires or about myself, I'll really be out of it.
"...... You're right. As you say, I'll just lie quietly today."
Saying so, I lie down again.
"Really...? No more sneaking out of your room later, too?"
"What is that? Am I that untrustworthy?"
...... Yeah, I guess so.
I've left Akiha alone for all this time.

"Hisui, tell Kohaku that Nii-san is up. Nii-san, what will you do about dinner?"
"...... I see. Well, my apologies to Kohaku-san, but I don't feel like eating."
"...... I understand. Well, Hisui, please inform Kohaku."
Still looking down, Hisui nods in assent and leaves the room.
"...... Yes. Thank you."
"Silly. Why are you thanking me? I should be the one thanking you."
...... Thanking me?
Even though I neglected you for eight years, you're the one who called me back to this mansion.
"---Akiha. I'm... sorry for everything. I'm selfish, and never thought about you. But, from now on..."
"It's fine. Please stay as you are, Nii-san.
And, I should be the one who's apologizing. Please, don't apologize to me. If you do, I'll feel like a really horrible person."

Akiha grasps my hand, tears welling in her eyes.
...... I don't understand.
Why Akiha is saying such things.
Or why she keeps repeating "I'm sorry".
"...... I'm, getting tired. I'll, sleep for a bit."
"---Yes. Good night, Nii-san."
Music: stop
Music: play track 7
But, it's so quiet.
I feel at ease.
Akiha's heartbeat is very close.